Stroke Cycles

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Following discussions on the net (and with Ian Hunter over a beer or two) on how to make a good recovery, I decided to look at what the world's best do under race conditions.
With permission from FISA I have taken images from their DVD of the Milan World Championships 2003.
Please have a look at the following pages.
The water level in the background gives us an indication of the hand heights throughout the stroke, and also the fore/aft pitch of the boat.

For those new to looking at rowing video, pay particular attention to:- I also made a page comparing the Catch positions of some of these rowers/scullers.


Olaf Tufte winner of the Men's single sculls
Marcel Hacker runner up in the Men's single sculls.
Fiona Milne winner of the women's lightweight single sculls
Stephano Basalini winner of the Men's lightweight single sculls
Rumyana Neykova winner of the Women's single sculls
Ekaterina Karsten Bronze Medallist Women's single sculls
Xeno Muller Gold Medal Atlanta Olympics 1996 - seen here in training


Aussie Coxless pair (World Champions 2003)
Pinsent and Cracknell's coxless pair (a bad day at the office?)
GB Women's coxless pair
Romanian Women's coxless pair
The Italian Men's Pair (5th in the final)
and from other sources....
The USA eight in Athens (overhead shot from video of BBC coverage)
The German 8 in training


Xeno Muller
Paul Smith
And (with apologies to the squeamish) here's mine!!

Neil Wallace - updated 9th January 2005